Sunday, January 06, 2008

Yesterday and Today

This weekend has been very nice so far.


Yesterday morning, Ben called me to tell me that Sifu Don is starting to teach a Brazilian Jiujutsu class at the Cedar Park school. He thought the class started at 930am. When I got there at 930am, they were already 30 minutes into it, but no big deal. They had just covered terminology that I already knew like "guard", "mount", "open guard", etc...


Apparently, that is going to be a weekly class. I am very much down to do that every week. I hope also, that we can get a class together on some week night to practice.


When I got home, I took care of a lot of stuff in the house... laundry, cleaning, etc. It really needed it. I wanted to work out yesterday, but I was very, very sore from the workouts that happened on Thursday and Friday.


After vegging around for a bit, I went out for dinner with Nik, Sarah, and Dave. After that we went to see "Sweeney Todd". It was pretty good... very graphic. So much so, that it's desensitizing. Much like Kill Bill.


This morning, I got up late, ate some breakfast, stayed in bed some more, then got up and went to Target. Now, I am not normally a Starbuck's fan. In fact, they make me very angry b/c they charge for wireless internet. WTF? $3 for coffee and $7 for internet. Fuck that. Anyway.. what I do like from time to time is a coffee type drink. I have been very wary lately about getting them though, with the whole wanting to lose 5lbs (4x) goals. But check this out... you can now get "skinny" drinks. This gets your the sugar free version of the drink made with skim milk. Nice...


Sorry for the tangent. I got the food that I needed at target and went home. I did a small workout today. I am still sore, but needed to move around. I ended up doing:

  • 9 min of jump rope. 9 - 1 minute intervals with 25 seconds rest in between. I am getting better at this. I can now do one jump per rope revolution. Previously, I jumped rope like an 8 year old school girl having to do a mini jump in between the real jump. The rope moved... real... s...l...o...w.....
  • Tabata Interval
    • Crunches/Bicycles
    • Barbell Side to Side thing


For the rest of the day, I don't have much else planned at home. I am going out for sushi with a friend tonight, then, not sure.


Hopefully I will get the "give your job notice" phone call very soon...



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