Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pretty good day...

Today was a pretty good day. I am really liking the whole "to-do" list thing (in case you have not seen this, there is a FireFox plugin for RememberTheMilk that can show your ToDo list inside of your GMail) inside of my GMail account.


I felt that it was particularly good b/c I had many an email conversation with someone that I had been wanting to talk to for a while now. Thank you... my heart feels a little better.


Anyway... I got all of my bills paid, I worked from home in the morning, then got dressed and went to Academy where I got a medicine ball and a jump rope (see earlier post). I worked for a bit at the actual office, then went over to Borders. They did not have what I wanted.


When I got home, I chilled out for a little bit, then did a 5 exercise Tabata workout consisting of the following:

1) Mountain Climbers (I hate them, but I do them anyway to show them that they don't own me)

2) Medicine Ball Crunches/Side To Sides

3) Pushups / Planks

4) Lunges w Medicine Ball

5) Standing side to side with a barbell (don't know what else to call this.


After that, I ate dinner, showered, and then came here to the coffee shop. That's pretty much it. I am going home and going to sleep b/c tomorrow is... guess what... back to that bastard (and I mean that in the most endearing way possible) Ryon's class.


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