Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Windows Vista Rocks!!

So, with my day off, I have installed Windows Vista. I am very impressed so far. It is really easy to use and really nice looking. Formatting and reinstalling is always a somewhat tedious task, but… sometimes it’s needed… this can correlate to many things in life I suppose.

Monday, January 29, 2007

On vacation

I am off today and tomorrow, which is really good. I am happy to get a few days off. I do have some stuff that I have to do today thought, but for the most part, I can relax.

I think I may hit up a few extra kung fu or tai chi classes, or just practice at home. For sure, I need to take my tuxedo to the dry cleaners, but that really is about it.

Last night, we hung out with Nik, at pizza, and played with the new Nintento Wii. It’s awesome and I want one. Bah… things…

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tired, but good...

I feel very accomplished tonight.

After work, I came home, got my stuff and went to the school. I did my iron palm stuff ( which I haven’t done in a long time ) and then did the conditioning class ( which was awesome ), then… after that… when I was really tired, I practiced Chen Tai Chi… whoa….

What a good way to start the weekend. The long weekend to be exact b/c I have Monday and Tuesday off… wwoohhhaaa!!!

To was a pretty good day at work too. I had a really good conversation with my manager regarding how things will play out in the future for me. Without getting too specific ( this is a blog after all ), things are looking good.

Anyway, I am tired and ready to eat dinner, so I am out… later all…

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hello from BlogJet

I have pretty much been sitting around my apartment since I got out of work. I have done absolutly nothing but watch TV. I have to say, it is nice to relax.

I installed this cool application called BlogJet. It’s a client for Blogger that lets your write blog entries offline. I like it. Maybe I’ll buy it .

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tough day...

Today was a very tough day...

It started, I guess with going to sleep late last night, which made me tired when I woke up at 650 this morning. I volunteered for the early shift on Tuesdays and Wednesdays... mistake? Not sure yet, but it is nice at 3pm when I am done.

Anyway... work has been very busy lately. We are seeing lots of issues because of the government mandated DST ( daylight savings time ) changes that are coming up in March of this year. On top of that, I think that I have probably the most annoying set of issues that I think that I have ever had in this job. My patience at work has been extremely short lately.

I think that I am sick of waiting for things. I know that the end is finally in sight and I think that that is what is making it worse. It's close enough for me to smell ( not taste... yet ), and... it smells good... to make a really extreme analogy, it's like being in prison, with 2 weeks left on your sentence and you see the guards eating steaks and talking about what they did on the weekend.

It's funny... I am not nearly this impatient when it comes to other things like my martial arts training. I think that it has something to do with the fact that I enjoy that journey. I love where I am and love practicing to get to the next level because there really is no "destination". With work, it's a little different. The part about enjoying the journey... not so much...

I am sure that I will feel better later after class, but... I needed to rant. Thanks for reading...
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