Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Soccer - 1st and Last time...

So today was not so bad. I had a relatively easy day at work, came home and chilled out for a bit. Jose has been asking me for a while to try playing the goal keeper for his soccer team, so not being one to say that I don't like things without trying them, I went and played from about 630PM -> 8PM tonight.

It wasn't horrible, but I really didn't like it all that much. I don't think I want to join the team. I pretty much have about 0 interest in playing soccer. No offense to all that play it. It clearly takes a lot of skill. I found my love and I think I will stick to that. Sorry guys...


Anonymous said...

since I comment on the last few posts... couldn't leave this one behind!!! I don't know if I would enjoy soccer either! I don't think I would want to run that much for so much time! I, in the end, am more of a solo sport person... considering I did karate forever!!


Helena said...

hahaha..."I pretty much have about 0 interest in playing soccer".... so Napoleon of you ;-)

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