Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Tuesday Night...

Karate was good tonight. We went over the blocks again, but then did some useful applications of blocks, elbows, and knees. It does feel good to be doing this again.

Time Warner finally came and fixed my damn cable. My phone works really well now. Well... so does everything else that needs internet connectivity.

I missed going to the gym this morning. I think I turned off my alarm in my sleep and by the time I actually woke up, it was 645 (an hour later than I should have gotten up). I guess my body was trying to tell me something. I had the intent, but it didn't want me to... there is always tomorrow.

I am thinking of things that I would like to get for my apartment. I would really like one of those things from Linens N Things or Bed, Bath, and Beyond that run water over rocks. Before my karate class, I was standing outside the Tivoli building. The building is very new and there is like... a wall/waterfall outside the door. Just walking by it relaxed me. I would love to have that in my apartment.

It was a really nice day today. It was 75 and sunny. I guess thats it.... goin to sleep now...


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