Saturday, January 15, 2005

Deja Vu

So, we moved everything last night. Much thanks to Jose and Rafael for all of the help. The whole move took about 3 hours from packing the truck here to unpacking at my new apartment. The new apartment is freakin awesome. I love the way that the rooms are layed out and I can't wait to start setting up all of my stuff.

Anyway... in the interest of time, I came back and slept at Jose's house so we can all leave for Dallas from here (Jose's house)... and I feel horrible. I am back in my room... on an air mattress JUST LIKE when I first got here. I feel like it was the day that I had to wake up at 3am to drive Sara to the airport. I feel the same anxiety... the same sadness and my heart is is my stomach...

I am Jack's tear...

I miss her so much.....


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