Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sunday night...

Today, we started studying for the Lotus Certification tests. I knew suprisingly more than I thought I would. Studying in a group is always better than studying by yourself because you can't really slack off and not go through it. If you study in a group, you at least go through everything and you hear it so maybe you subconsious can pick up more than you think.

I am waiting to lose at ping pong again. Jose and Mauricio are battling right now. Their match has been going on for 2 hours I think. I lose every time. Sometimes, it's not even fun anymore. That's the point at which I stop playing. There is no point in getting fucked in the head from a game of fucking table tennis when there much more important things to be stressing about.

For the most part, I have all of my shit together. I packed up pretty much everything that I don't need out in my room. I am pretty sure that I won't need to get a van to move. I think that I am going to load my car up on Thrusday night so that on Friday, when I go to get my keys, I will just put in a whole bunch of stuff and then the only help I will need from Jose and Rafael is the big stuff like my bed, desk, and chair. I imagine it will take about 4-5 hours to get everything there and setup meaning getting the stuff there and then getting my bed togerhter, desk together and compute assembled again. I don't expect to be done in a day.

I think that now I am going to watch Adult Swim from last night... oh wait.. finally the ping pong war is over.

Yes.. I lost... again... oh well... Adult Swim...


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