Sunday, April 06, 2008

Weekend Recap...

This was a really nice weekend. Allow me to recap:

Friday - A pretty uneventful work day, but, since I did work at home, I got a chance to get a killer work out in at the fit forge (my garage). This workout consisted of:

Jump Rope: 5m / 4m / 3m / 2m / 1m / 30s / 15s / 30s / 1m / 2m = 19m, 15s

Tabata Set:

  1. Heavy Bag
  2. Wood choppers with a medicine ball
  3. Crunches / Reverse Crunches
  4. That thing where you hold the plate in front of your chest then move it around the back of your head.
  5. Jar holding

After finishing work, I shaved my head with Victoria's help:

Mohawk 1

 Mohawk 2

Mohawk 3

... hilarious... I'm keeping it... for now...

That night, Victoria and I ate dinner at home, then went over to Shooter's for a few to play some pool. It was a fun time. I hadn't done that in a while.

Saturday, was a day filled with errands in preparation for my grandparents coming to visit. I don't really remember a whole lot from yesterday, but I did get caught up on some laundry as well as some Ratchet and Clank for the PS3... very fun game.

We went to pick my grandparents up at 7pm, which was when their plane landed. Nice how that works out. After getting them, we stopped to get a bite to eat, then came home and chilled out for the rest of the night.

Today (Sunday), we slept in a little, got up, ate breakfast. We did a lot of hanging around today. I was supposed to go meet my friend Jose to talk about a project that we are working on, but that didn't work out. Anyway... we ended up going to HEB to grab some groceries, then over to Home Depot. My grandfather was very gracious to buy me some stones for my flowerbeds in the front of the house. They look nice. I will post some pics when I take some.

On a good suggestion from Ryon, I also picked up some parts from Home Depot to build these:

Here's the video... insane:

All in all, they cost around $25 for BOTH!!! I tried them after I made them... I have a lot of work to do to get even close to this dude, or... well... anyone who is competent with these things. Whoa... ab pain... whoa...

Also, him and my grandmother cooked some arroz con pollo...mmmm.... for your gringos, that means "rice with chicken". After eating that, we did some more hanging out. And, here I am... laying in bed, 1/2 watching ATHF, 1/2 blogging.

Looking forward, this coming week is my last at my current employer. I will be sure to post some more regarding my feelings on this topic. Unfortunately, being that this is a public forum, I can't really speak or write what I really want to. It will be a good one... I promise = ) ... stay tuned.


BlueSparrows said...

Hang on, so you're telling me that you are walking around with your head looking like that?!?

Nick said to tell you his Mohawk is cooler ;)

BlueSparrows said...

Gah I'm so mean, I do deserve evil eyes.

Anonymous said...

You officially have more hair on your face than on your head!!! But the mohawk suits you well =)

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