Tuesday, July 15, 2008

iPhones and eating out...

So, if you have been keeping up with Victoria's blog, you will see that she recently got the new 3G iPhone. Yay!

What does that mean for yours truly? I now have her old, err, classic, 2G iPhone... and I have apps. Tons and tons of apps! One of those apps is called "Restaurant" and I learned some startling shit a few nights ago.

This application basically lets you pick a restaurant to view nutritional information about the food that they serve at said restaurant. Wow...

So, I like Chili's and Cheddar's from time to time. I also will go to Wendy's if I am in a pinch. Particularly, at Cheddar's or Chili's I will almost ALWAYS get the Buffalo Chicken Salad. After viewing this information, I doubt this will be the case going forward.

Check this crap out:

Chili's Buffalo Chicken Salad

Wow... that's close to being as bad as a burger or something. Holy crap! Here is an example of something I will not be eating again. I guess it's easy to think that just because it's a salad and has leafy things in it, it is not so bad for you, but... wow.

When I looked up the stuff from Wendy's I found out that nutritionally it's not that bad for you. Well, the stuff that I usually order is not that bad for you. Usually, I get the small chili and a side salad. That results in about 550 calories, and, if I picked a better dressing, not TOO much fat. Once you add in the chicken nuggets, it's just as bad (if not worse) as the salad above. Didn't see that coming. Check this:

Wendy's Meal

If, for shits and giggles, we take a look at a Caesar salad with vinaigrette dressing, we see a vast improvement:

Wendy's Spicy Baconator


What I thought was "not so bad" for me actually is. Damnit.

Moving forward:

  • No more buffalo chicken salad, which forms the logical conclusion of no more salads with friend chicken of any kind. Stick to grilled.
  • No more ranch dressing. Stick to vinegar based dressings. Too much fat in ranch dressing.
  • Make my own damn buffalo chicken... wow.

I don't even want to touch a burger at this point. I did at some point know how bad this shit is for you, but for some reason, the severity of exactly HOW BAD this is to eat had become decreased in my head. This was a very good reminder as I am known to eat the occasional fast food burger from time to time.

Here's an example of Wendy's baconator. This is something that looks delicious to me. In fact, as much as I hate to admin it, I actually felt myself start to salivate in just visualizing the commercial for this. Sick how that works, but that's an entirely different blog post. Here are the facts (bad bad):


Ok... I guess I should pay attention to this conference call now. BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU EAT WHEN YOU ARE OUT!!!


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