Monday, July 21, 2008

Article and Weekend

Saturday morning, I was listening to a BBC news podcast and they ran a really interesting story. After searching the web a little bit, I was able to find something close:

It's about something a lot of us don't really think about. Where do you want to die? I'm not talking about things you have no control over like a car accident or the like. This is more of a you know you are going to die and there is nothing that can be done about it, situation.

The story centered around a man that had cancer. It was in an advanced state and there was really nothing more that the medical community could do with him. I won't go into too much detail, but long story short, he ended up opting to stay at home and spend the last of his time with his family.

He was able to be with his wife and kids. He was able to listen to his kids play piano and be with his wife whenever he wanted (as opposed to visiting hours). Most of all, his entire family was present when he left this world. They all got to say goodbye and see him off. What can be better than that? I think that many of us don't really think of this as an option.

Anyway, this weekend was jam packed. I had a pretty busy work week last week...

Friday: After work, Victoria and I finished cat proofing the backyard. They cats now can go outside in the backyard unsupervised and they love it.

Saturday: Was occupied mostly during the day. Got home around 6pm, did some stuff round the house, then we went to Scotty's party. It was a good time. We did leave a little early as I was not really feeling too good. Lack of sleep plus jack and coke plus beer... ugh...

Sunday: We slept in a little bit which was much needed. After waking up, we hit the agenda:

  • Went to the Austin Citywide Garage Sale
  • Visited a tattoo shop that Victoria is thinking about giving some business to.
  • Sold my old house phone.
  • Went out to a new BBQ place for lunch (J &J in Cedar Park)... YUM!
  • Went to Lowe's to get some more stuff for the garage (1 shelf for workout stuff, peg board, and accoutrements).
  • Went to see Dark Knight, which was freakin' awesome.
  • Cleaned the house.

Needless to say... we were both really tired last night, but we got A LOT done!

This week ... lookin' busy again...



BlueSparrows said...

BBC Podcast? Why I am most impressed.

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