Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good times...

Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of work done, I got to meet V for lunch (@ Jimmy John's ... it was my first time, and it was good, and I will go back), I got to the bank, I got to the supermarket, and I didn't feel any work stress at all. It was very nice.

The evening was nice too. V decided to stay home from class so we got to spend a lot of time together. That, in and of itself is a good night. I tried a new recipe for "low fat chicken corn chowder". Let's just say I ended up not keeping the leftovers... it was not so good.

Aside from that, I helped Victoria get some new ring tones on her iPhone. If you are interested in not paying Apple $2 for a freakin' ring tone, check this site out:

Finally, I got my old desk sold. Strike one item off the list. I didn't get quite as much as I wanted for it, but... it's gone and I can move on.

Back to yesterday...

After Jimmy John's, V had some extra time to kill, so we went to Starbuck's (which is not a regular event). We both ended up getting "skinny" drinks which are made sugar free and with low fat or fat free milk. This trip did however spark my curiosity about some of the other things that I order at Starbuck's. This morning, continuing my expose on nutritional facts, I took a trip to Starbuck's web site and found the following:

1) Green Tea Frappuccino - Hmm... I guess another case of "I knew this wasn't all that great for me, but convinced myself that it was OK". The calories aren't horrible but, whoa whoa whoa on the carbs. That can pretty much derail any good eating day that might be having...


2) Vanilla Bean Frappuccino - <insert comments from #1>. Again, not SO bad, but bad enough =).


3) Caramel Macchiato -  This is like a once in a blue moon sorta thing for me. Just about half as bad as the above items (which seems completely backwards to me). Certainly an eye opener.


Finally, just for shits & giggles, I wanted to see what is in a can of Coca-Cola. Now, we all know that sodas are "fat free" and by many people's standards, that makes it ok, but not for me. Look at the carbs... 27g for ONE CAN. I know some people that drink like multiple cans of this shit daily... wow.




BlueSparrows said...

Ooooh I really like those Vanilla bean creme's... I guess I'll just know what to blame when my ass turns in a marshmallow... I bet marshmallows would be an excellent addition to the drink in fact. Hmmm.

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