Thursday, February 15, 2007


I am pretty tired right about now.

Work has been tough lately. We have been dealing with a lot of the same problem over and over and over again. I am hoping that things get better soon.

I spoke to a friend of mine the other day that moved over to another area of the company. He is doing really well and is much happier. It is really good to see. It is like night and day from the way that he used to be. On top of that, he is doing what he wants to be doing which is coincientally what I would like to be doing as well.

In other news, I am getting excited about my testing next week. I know that I am ready for it, but still, it is going to be tough. I suppose that is why it is so satisfying when it’s over.


Anonymous said...

suck it up nancy. stop with the winey baby boy act. it doesnt become you.from a loving friend

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you think you're the only person that hates what he's doing. try getting up at 1:00 every day and working with one hand. guess who. hahahahahahaha

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