Sunday, March 13, 2005

I smiled

I just smiled. For the first time in weeks I smiled and I felt it. I felt happy. It was after I read these two things:

1) Your only real friend is you. Your only real enemy is you. You are an enemy to yourself to the degree you limit your Self. You are a friend to yourself to the degree that you remove limits from yourself.
2) Every place and every situation in life presents an opportunity for growth. The best place to grow is right where you are. The best time is now.

That made me smile. I realized for a second, that this misery that I have been feeling everyday is mine and mine alone. I am the one who is doing it....

More later...


Anonymous said...

i love ARE the best

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

finally, you deserve to, you have such a cute! smile :)

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