Monday, October 13, 2008


A few years ago, John Adams said this:

There is nothing I dread so much as a division of the Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader and converting measures in opposition to each other.

I think he might have known what he was talking about.

Up until this point, I have been pretty active in political discussions with people. I post articles that I find interesting for one reason or another and try to have debates with the people that seem to find political opposition with whatever it might be on that particular day.

I quite believe that my political switch has been turned off tonight. Something inside of me just doesn't feel like it anymore. I think the reason for this is... in the big picture, it doesn't fucking matter. My argument with you DOES NOT MATTER. I am not changing your mind and you, most likely, are not changing mine. I understaaaaaaand your opinion and your point of view, but in many cases, I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me.

It doesn't matter whether we elect McCain or Obama. The choice is between crap or more crap. You decide which is which. I don't feel like arguing with you. I don't feel like reading your 17 page dissertation on why Obama is the 2nd coming of Christ or why McCain knows anything about anything. I know he was a P.O.W. I don't think I can ever go through what he went through, however, when I see him in debates I find myself saying "huh?" a lot.

They go back and forth. They change their minds. They change their stands. They have epiphanies. They say one thing at 9am, something different at 11am, and then the polar opposite at 6pm.

I was talking with one of my friends who shall remain nameless lest he be dragged out into the streets and lynched for having strong opinions and he said something to me which I find to be very true. Democrats will not fix your problems. Republicans will not fix your problems. Only people will fix these problems. Politicians are mostly the same in that they are here to further their agendas and most likely do not give a rat's ass about you.

Ooo... hockey fight. No, that was not a plug for Palin. Fuck you.

Sorry, back to business.

I officially withdraw my hat from public political discussions. I would like for the sham that we call election day to come and go as quickly as possible so that I can stop arguing with people who I want to be friends with.

If I have spoken to you about this and we tend to agree on things, I will still probably talk to you about this stuff. You know who you are.

I know what my morals are. I know what my beliefs are. I know where I stand on issues. I know where the people that I care about stand on issues. At this point, I no longer care where you stand. At this point, I am certain that I will not see a president that will reflect said morals and beliefs.

Best of luck to us all over the next few years we are going to need it.


BlueSparrows said...

I think I remember when John Adams said that a few years back... hmmm wait ;)

You can still talk to me; I'm officially done with politics, in fact I never started when it came to this election, and I can't wait for the next jackass to just hurry up and take office.

Maybe then the discussions can cease.

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