Friday, August 08, 2008

What the hell is going on?!!??!

Jason, who likes to get me all upset and mad in the morning sent me this link today:

Does this make you as mad as it does me? This, in fact, makes me irate. It's Orwellian. Here is how I see this in my mind:

obama nazi equals swastika

Oh... and please submit your right arm for chipping. We need to know where you are at all time.

Don't fit the template of a "normal American"? Be careful, someone might report you.

Is this a road that we really want to go down???

Wake the hell up people. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing!


BlueSparrows said...
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BlueSparrows said...

Wow I could never write a blog post like that being a "foreigner" and all, I fear the INS would be on my tail quicker than you can say "John Edwards is a sleezeball"

(yes, I am adding way more importance to my blog than it deserves)

Ok, quitting with the comments now.

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