Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Need... food... argh...

I am roughly 40 hours into this whole juice fasting business. I have 8 hours left. Interestingly, I have gone an entire work week without eating anything. That's pretty good. I think that the last 8 hours will be cake.


I don't feel nearly as bad as I thought I would before I started. Yesterday, at around 10-12 hours in, I felt very irritable. I also had a headache and my stomach wouldn't shut up. Last night, I wasn't really thinking about it because I was at class and practicing stuff.


After class, I stopped by the new girl's house to hang out for a bit, then went home. I couldn't fall asleep so easily last night. I am not sure that it was all because of the fasting, but I think it certainly played a part. I was REALLY hungry around 1am. Luckily, I finally fell asleep.


This morning, I feel more hot than anything. I feel like my body is producing heat. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but I like it. I am going to start doing this more often. Maybe I will try for 72 hours next time. I think it would be bad ass if I could get it up to a week. Overall mood wise, I feel really good. Still... I can't wait for 630 when I can eat something.


Anyway... time to work or something.


Ryon said...

You're off to work with your BRIEFCASE FULL OF GUTS

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