Alright, alright, so I was looking for a clip from this past week's south park that dealt with religion and teaching either Intelligent Design or the theory of evolution in schools to children. It was hilarious and definitely had some social merit.
Personally, I do not think that religion has any place in schools ( or in government for that matter either ). I think that VALUES and MORALS from religion are good to teach, but not under a religion pretense i.e. don't be a good person because Jesus said or because you will be rewarded in the after life, be a good person because it is the right thing to do.
Anyway, in the South Park episode, an Atheist is talking to Ms. Garrison and says that she would be great if she wasn't into this whole "God thing". She says that she believes in God because his existence cannot be disproved. The Atheist then says to her "what if I told you that there was a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Would you believe that just because it cannot be disproved?". She then becomes an Atheist.
I thought this was absolutly hilarious. As we were talking about it at work yesterday, a friend of mine mentioned that the FSM was from a website... and in fact it is!! Check out In particular, read this guy's letter to the Kansas City School Board.
After that, check out this article on ->
I personally am not an Atheist. I think that there are many things that do in fact exist that cannot be proven or explained. I however, am not religious, nor do I understand why people believe what they do believe. Then again, just because it is not right for me does not mean that it isn't right for someone else. The problem that I have is when others try to force their beliefs on others when they clearly want nothing to do with it. This has happened throughout history and continues to happen today ( see: almost any war ).
Why can't we all just believe what we believe and let others do the same?
Friday, November 03, 2006
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Hey Bryan,
Here's another viewpoint on the Creator debate. Unfortunately, some people have been brainwashed into imposing their religious delusions on others and the only solution that will end these coflicts is the removal of ignorance through the establishment of verifiable wisdom that ends the perceived need for religion. Al very tall order, but a necessary one.
Analyzing the Creator Debate
Did you ever consider that atheism arose because certain people saw that religious characterizations about the nature of an omnipotent "God" were seriously flawed and then concluded that religion and the Creator were the same things? This is the exact same conclusion at the base of religious beliefs; namely that the Creator and religion are inseparable. Consequently, both atheists and religious followers are arguing over a flawed assumption without considering that other possibilities negate the common core conclusion of both groups. These arguments are actually over religion and whether it represents a reliable model of reality. The answer to that question is of course not. Religion is not only flawed, it is purposely deceptive! Though atheists are certainly sincere in their conclusions, the fact remains that they and religious followers are locked in a debate that cannot be won by either side because both base their positions upon whether the same flawed premise is the truth. In order for this debate to conclude with a truthful answer, a greater level of discernment is required.
One apt clarifying question is, if someone tells lies about you, does that negate you or make you a liar or a lie? Certainly, the image cast about you would be a false one, but that is their image, not the real you. Consequently, faulty religious assertions about the Creator of this universe do not negate the existence of a Creator. Considering the possibility that this universe is not by chance leaves the door open to how it arose, which leads us to seek what could have created and maintained it. Since neither religion nor science has yet adequately answered that question, it is safe to conclude that those who argue about the Creator based on either are most certainly wrong on one or more aspects. Thereby, another point of view and additional knowledge are required.
Bryan since you don't believe on Jesus you are going to hell! Luva ya lots!
Your favorite Catholic friend!
A :)
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