So, yeah... I don't like Halloween. It's only been recently that I couldn't care any less of the "holiday" i.e. way for people to make a ton of money (see "prices of Halloween costumes"), fell completely off the face of the map.
I don't like blood, gore, or generally disturbing things. I can't watch gore movies. Here's the odd part though, it's not the violence by itself that makes it unbearable for me. For example, I have no problem watching war movies with large scale violence. I saw the new Rambo movie. I didn't have to look away. People got blown up with land mines and got arrows through the head... no problem. Now, when you add in the sick and twisted "I'm gonna torture then dismember you slowly for no reason what-so-ever b/c I'm a fucknut and I can" and I can't watch it.
We tried to go to a haunted house last night with some friends. I was a bit reluctant to go, but Victoria wanted to and I wasn't going to let her do it alone. I haven't been to a haunted house in a while, but with a name like "Mansions of Terror" you gotta know there's gonna be some bad shit there. In short, haunted houses today are NOT the same haunted houses from when I was a kid. You know what I'm talking about. When I was a kid, a haunted house was like, some guys house that he put a bunch of scary crap all over, and MAYBE he jumped out at you ONCE. No so today. Today's haunted houses are more disturbing than anything. It amazed me how people can take so much pride in the murder/rape scene that they "create" on their front lawns or in buildings like "and here we have Frankenstein, who, after not being able to land the woman of his dreams decided to commit seppuku, Dracula is holding the katana ready to cut his head off and here we have the wolf man jerking off all over the scene b/c he a necrophiliac and hes about to get some. Oh, in the tree there, we have a guy snorted like a ton of blow then hung himself after coming home to find his wife fucking the mailman. He killed them both with a blunt rusty spoon, and ate them, that's the "in the house portion", but anyway, look at the detail, you can really see the veins and neck bone protrusion. Awesome, huh?".
Uh... sorry... anyway... back to the haunted house... then...
Most of the people on the outside were dressed up in zombie like makeup. One had a chainsaw and would chase people around the parking lot. The other was like, a priest guy wearing long robes that would walk around next to you and throw up. Walking up to the front door, I could see what looked like a zombie bride essentially cutting herself or something. Retarded.
Needless to say, we never made it in the door. I was fine with this.
This leads me to my next point... movies...
Where is the psychological thrill in "either you give yourself a hysterectomy or you DIE! That's right, you cut out your own ovaries, or this cast iron spiked suit will collapse on you but only stab you slowly so you slowly bleed to death but you won't die right away, you will get tetanus and then you'll die slowly of tetanus, so the question is HYSTERECTOMY OR TETANUS DEATH!"?
This, to me, is degradation of society at its best. I find it disturbing enough that people can even think this shit up. That's fine... we are in a free country (hopefully for a little while longer) with freedom of speech and expression (hopefully for a little while longer). Still though, I cannot process in any way shape or form how people can see a trailer for a movie where it's clearly about torture and butchery and say to themselves "hey! that sounds like a great time!". Fuck that. Not me.
So I say, let me be totally gay and only want to see funny kids in costumes, eat candy, and maybe watch some movies on Halloween. Otherwise, I don't want to hear about it. I'm perfectly happy in my old man fuddy duddy house, thank you.