Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Everyone has their own path. It is laid before them, at all times. You can choose to either see this path or not. Maybe your choice is made consciously or maybe it isn't. Regardless, your path is there whether you choose to see it or not. Don't confuse path with destiny or lack of free will. I am pretty sure that you have free will while you are on the path, but, decisions that you make can either keep you on or distract you from said path.

At various points in your life, you will meet other people. I know, you meet people everyday, but I'm talking about important people. Life changing people. You may think that their path is now yours or yours is now theirs, but look more closely. There are ALWAYS two paths. ALWAYS. They do not become one, they intertwine. Eventually, they will separate.

The separation is not necessarily a bad thing.

People attach meanings to things and events that aren't always correct, yet when then events happen, we have this compulsion to "feel" a certain way. Take the example of the child that falls down. Perhaps he hasn't yet been conditioned to think that falling down is "bad". He's not hurt. He gets up and carries on his merry way. Now, take that same child a few years later. He falls down, is not hurt, but thinks for a second, and starts crying. Why? Because he has learned that falling down is a bad thing. Where did he learn this? Who knows... where did YOU learn it?

I digress. The point here is that your life is about you. You and only you control your theater of experience. Although you are not in control over what thoughts and emotions arise within you, you ARE in control of the actions that you take regardless of what emotions are present. You need to take right actions despite what thoughts and emotions you might be thinking/feeling. This what being an adult is.

Anyway... I think I have rambled long enough. It's time to get some stoopid work done.


Unknown said...

yes, you have grown.....evolution is a wonderful thing. one step closer to nirvana. love love love

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