This weekend was the last installment of the Lui Hsing seminars that I have been attending through my Shaolin school. Needless to say, the seminar was completely worth the time, effort, and money that it has taken over the past two years.
We left on Friday afternoon. After a short stop in Trinidad, TX for my friend's son's football game, we were on our way. There were 3 of us in a 7 passenger van. It was pretty comfortable.
We made good time and got to Lexington around 3pm on Saturday. After checking into our hotel, showering, and relaxing a bit, we went to dinner with some friends and then we were off to the demos at the Lexington school.
There were some really awesome demos. Some highlights include:
- A ground dragon form during which Master Bullock performed 2 handsprings on 2 fingers!! Whoa!!
- Pa Kua spear.
- Master Joe and Sifu Ben - 1st road of Ground Monkey.
- Double chain whip.
- 3 section staff.
- A handstand on 2 fingers.
- Concrete brick breaking.
After the demos, Gary and I returned to our respective rooms and went to sleep.
The following morning (Sunday), the excitement finally hit me that we were about to learn the second half of Lui Hsing ( Meteor Fist ).
After some history from Grandmaster Sin, we finally found out what we were going to learn. Whoa... I am not sure if I can mention it, but it was completely amazing and actually something that I have wanted to learn since I started learning about Shaolin years ago.
We left around 5pm after the seminar and started on our way home.
As we drove home, some things occurred to me. Some things we discussed, some we did not. Most importantly, I thought about other schools I had trained in and whether or not we would ever be able to do anything even remotely close to what we did this weekend. Obviously, no. Where else can you pay not that much money and learn Shaolin forms that have not been taught to the public for years and years. Get that at your next Tae Kwon Do seminar.
Additionally, I thought about how far I had come in this system. When I went to the first Golden Leopard seminar 2 years ago, I was a white belt. I have come a long way and have made some awesome friends. Most importantly, I feel like I am a part of something that is really just, awesome.
This trip further reinforced how much I love this school and this art. One event that really drove this home was when I went up to Grandmaster Sin to thank him after the class. I felt that this was an amazing thing that he had done for us and I wanted him to know that. He response was not expected however:
Me: Grandmaster Sin, thank you so much for doing this. This class was incredible. Thank you.
GM Sin: Thank you so much for coming and showing interest in the class.
I love that guy...
Now, I am finally home, and have a lot of work to do. I have got to get 4 Golden Leopard forms and 4 Lui Hsing forms in good order. I do not want to lose these.
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