Thursday, July 26, 2007

So, I think it's been raining for about 2 months straight here in Austin, TX. You see where there is a "low pressure system" flanked by "high pressure systems", it make the "low pressure system" NOT MOVE EVER. As a result, the rain has a nice clean and clear roadway to drop all of its wetty goodness on us at least 3x/day. I'm all for non-drought and stuff, but this is ridiculous. Is the world ending? I think I read about this somewhere...

I actually had to use my poncho today. I realize that that sounds totally retarded, but, I do not own an umbrella capable of standing up to such torrential rain. The poncho worked out great and kept my bag dry too.

Class was cancelled last night b/c Master Joe was not at the school. I did some iron palm, practiced my stuff and went home. Man, it's nice to get home around 745/8.

I think that my presentation for the PSM seminar is almost done. The content is in a good place, but I just need to add some stuff to make it interesting like funny fonts and clipart. Many thanks to Tina for helping me with it.

Tonight should be relaxing. I am not doing anything after work. We might go to Nik's place to watch a movie, but not sure about that yet.

On a final note, I think that my MP3 player has finally bit the dust. It can no longer hold a charge. This makes me very... very sad. If anyone would like to buy me a new MP3 player, I would be happy to accept it. 30Gb or higher please = ).


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