Thursday, July 26, 2007

So, I think it's been raining for about 2 months straight here in Austin, TX. You see where there is a "low pressure system" flanked by "high pressure systems", it make the "low pressure system" NOT MOVE EVER. As a result, the rain has a nice clean and clear roadway to drop all of its wetty goodness on us at least 3x/day. I'm all for non-drought and stuff, but this is ridiculous. Is the world ending? I think I read about this somewhere...

I actually had to use my poncho today. I realize that that sounds totally retarded, but, I do not own an umbrella capable of standing up to such torrential rain. The poncho worked out great and kept my bag dry too.

Class was cancelled last night b/c Master Joe was not at the school. I did some iron palm, practiced my stuff and went home. Man, it's nice to get home around 745/8.

I think that my presentation for the PSM seminar is almost done. The content is in a good place, but I just need to add some stuff to make it interesting like funny fonts and clipart. Many thanks to Tina for helping me with it.

Tonight should be relaxing. I am not doing anything after work. We might go to Nik's place to watch a movie, but not sure about that yet.

On a final note, I think that my MP3 player has finally bit the dust. It can no longer hold a charge. This makes me very... very sad. If anyone would like to buy me a new MP3 player, I would be happy to accept it. 30Gb or higher please = ).

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So, it's been a while... what's up you ask? Here are some random updates in bullet point format:
  • I've been really into Bleach lately. I've got a torrent going of every episode ever, but, it's taking well... forever.
  • I got a new job. I am starting up with Lotus L3 on August 1st ( that is in a few days ). I am looking forward to starting on something new.
  • We have been working constantly on our house. We have now painted the dining room, kitchen, and living room. We have also cut and hung the chair rail. We have gotten all of our furniture except for the sectional. That should be coming around the 2nd week in August; just in time for us to host the next UFC party! The card looks awesome - check it out.
  • I have all of my material to test in August for Kung Fu and Tai Chi. I will be testing on the following:
    • Kung Fu
      • 3 Crane Forms
      • Night Battle Broadsword
      • San Ye
    • Tai Chi
      • Chen Tai Chi
      • Yin/Yang Dagger
  • I am going to Boston on 8.5.2007 to speak at a Lotus PSM Seminar. I will be presenting on the topic of "Database Corruption". It has been tough getting my presentation together with everything that has been going on, but I am getting there. I was also supposed to go there to visit my new manager and my new team, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Most likely, I will go there from 8.5 -> 8.8, then fly to NYC until 8.11 to visit, then fly back to Austin.
  • I got into a minor car accident yesterday. That sucked but it could have been worse.
  • My parents are entertaining the idea of buying a house down here... that is awesome.
  • We went to see Transformers and I loved it. Watch this, it's hilarious.
  • We went to see 1408 - eh...

Anyway... I'm pretty tired... I'm out...

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