Thursday, April 26, 2007

The search continues...

I really do not like getting responses to interviews where they tell me that I don't have the skills that they are looking for. Now, I understand that I can't possibly know everything about everything under the sun, but I'll tell you what I can do... LEARN anything about anything under the sun. Now, I am sure that no one likes to hear that about themselves, but I try to do the best with it that I can. Try to turn a negative into a positive I suppose.

The particular response that I got today informed that I was not well versed enough in Webshere Portal and WPS. I don't even know what WPS is.. so well I guess that is a correct statement. As a result, I will attempt to learn some of this stuff. All I know is that the clock is ticking and and I am really itching to do something else.

In other areas, check out the new pictures that are posted in the archive. They are from Monday night ( 4.23 ) when we went to see Bowling for Soup downtown at Antone's. Before you start calling me names, please let me state that I don't particularly like them. They were OK live and the tickets were FREE. Plus it was a good time with friends overall. So.. get off my back.

In the martial arts world, things are going good. I am continuing toward my Black sash in Tai Chi and my 2nd Brown belt in Kung Fu. I think I am almost to the end of the Chen Tai Chi form ( finally ) and almost done with the last kata that I need for 3rd Brown material which is called "Night Battle Broadsword" form. It's a lot of fun... it's also fun to see Troy hopping around like a graceful Rhino.. hahaha sorry buddy.. you said it...

I am tired... going to sleep... laters...


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I embrace my inner rhino.

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