Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tough day...

Today was a very tough day...

It started, I guess with going to sleep late last night, which made me tired when I woke up at 650 this morning. I volunteered for the early shift on Tuesdays and Wednesdays... mistake? Not sure yet, but it is nice at 3pm when I am done.

Anyway... work has been very busy lately. We are seeing lots of issues because of the government mandated DST ( daylight savings time ) changes that are coming up in March of this year. On top of that, I think that I have probably the most annoying set of issues that I think that I have ever had in this job. My patience at work has been extremely short lately.

I think that I am sick of waiting for things. I know that the end is finally in sight and I think that that is what is making it worse. It's close enough for me to smell ( not taste... yet ), and... it smells good... to make a really extreme analogy, it's like being in prison, with 2 weeks left on your sentence and you see the guards eating steaks and talking about what they did on the weekend.

It's funny... I am not nearly this impatient when it comes to other things like my martial arts training. I think that it has something to do with the fact that I enjoy that journey. I love where I am and love practicing to get to the next level because there really is no "destination". With work, it's a little different. The part about enjoying the journey... not so much...

I am sure that I will feel better later after class, but... I needed to rant. Thanks for reading...


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