Friday, August 05, 2005


Man, some horrible tiredness just hit me.

I was sitting here about to update my last case for the day until I start taking calls again at 3 and I just felt a wave of horrible tiredness come over me.

Anyway... Tai Chi class was good last night. I got paired up with the hottest friggen girl in the school. Our exercise was to practice a simple deflection but then to do any kind of attack that we could think of after that. She had some good ones, but I was king of manhandling her... it was kind of funny. She is actually very nice... too bad she's taken.

Oh well...


Anonymous said...

how permanant is taken?

The Bryan said...

Well, I don't know, but her boyfriend is there at every class, so it would be kinda tough to make a move you know...

Anonymous said...

nothing like an open mind. one never knows what gift tomorrow will bring. and oh what a suprise it might be!

Anonymous said...

lol... I used to love working w/ HOT guys in Karate...

P.S. GUess who!!!

The Bryan said...


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