Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A dream... or was it?

Ok first... heres a bigger font.. happy??

Second... this morning I had a very strange dream... or maybe it wasn't a dream at all. Basically, I couldn't speak and I couldn't move. This guy examined my cat, shook my hand, then turned into a cat himself and left. All the while I wanted to wake up and I couldnt.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Man, things are happening...

I have been getting more and more unhappy with my job. I am being worked ridiculously and there just doesn't seem to be an end in sight. Our managment has asked us (Jose and I) to create an application that will be used world wide here at this company. That is great. That gives us visibility... that makes people who would never know my name know my name.

It is coming up on the time that I can ask for my release from this horrible existence of customer support. I feel though that it is not going to be as easy as walking into my manager's office and requesting it. I know I am going to be dicked around like countless other people.

In light of this, I have posted my resume on Monster, HotJobs, and CareerBuilder. I am putting the feelers out. Amazingly, after only 2 days, I have been contacted by 2 recruites, received a response from a job that I applied to on CraigsList, and also have an interview with Amazing what a year at a giant company will do for your resume... last time, I couldn't get shit.

Things have been excellent with Stephanie. Out first Valentine's day together was very nice. She got me an awesome blender that I can use to make her romantic things with = ). I got her some stuff from Bath and Body Works. We ate dinner from our favorite place (Wing N More) and watched a movie. It was a really nice night.

I have to say that she has been ultra supportive through this whole thing. She is willing to go anywhere with me and that means more to me than she can possibly know. She is excited for me... she cares about me... very different from previous instances. I love her so much...

Things are also good at the Kung Fu school. I should be testing for Brown sash the weekend after next. This weekend we are going to NYC for my cousin Michele's wedding. We are flying in on Saturday evening, she's getting married on Sunday, and we are leaving Tuesday morning... quick trip. Anyway... the weekend after next, I am going to be testing, like I said up there, for Brown sash. I have to be able to do the entire 64 form and Pa Qua sections 1-6. Piece of cake...

Time for lunch...

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