I have been to hell.
I took a spinning class tonight.
I will not be walking tomorrow.
Let's back up. Jose got back from Spain last night. He's been pretty stressed out and has been needing to blow off some steam so I asked him if he wanted to go play racketball at the gym tonight after work. He agreed.
When we got there, we started playing, then Joe Metrosexual comes into the court and tells us that we can't play on the court b/c we have black soled shoes. Racist...
When we go back upstairs to see what we are gonna do, one of the gym employees apparently noticed that we were walking around aimlessly and asked us if we wanted to take a spinning class. I think... hmm... how bad can this be...
Fast forward ... 17 minutes into the class I ask myself... "what the fuck were you thinking?". There are 43 more minutes to go... this is crazy. Then I decide that I am going to stop being a pussy and stick it out. I did. It was a ridiculous workout. I was pretty much drenched when the class was over.
On to other topics... things are fantastic with Stephanie. I love this girl so much. She is literally all that I want in a girlfriend and then more. And the best thing about all of it is that it is pretty much effortless. We just are so good together.... thank you Texas, thank you myspace, thank you to whatever made her find me. I can go on and on about how great she is, but I think you, the blog reader can already see just from my tone, what an impact she has had on my life.
On November 11th, we will be together (officially) for a month and I can just see it going on indefinitley. It doesn't scare me at all to think about things like getting a place/house together. That's right... not scared at all.
Mallos loves her too... look at what she does to him...

Anyway... I'm gonna wrap this blogspot up...
In summary:
- I visited hell tonight. I am sure I will remember it tomorrow when I can't walk.
- I am happier in my life now than I have been in a really long time... arguable ever.
- I love my girlfrind a lot.
Peace out yo...